Cancer Resources

Friday, July 17, 2015

Bit of a Snafu

I got a few surprises this week at my 3-month follow-up.  I'm anemic again, due to the many viral infections lately my doctor said.  And my immunoglobulins (IG's) are low again.  Even lower than in January when I needed the two infusions of IG's.  So I might be needing a few more. 

And since I'm still waiting for the final results of my CT scan last week, this morning my mind was wandering.  Trying out different scenarios.  My preferred scenario would be that nothing has changed, all the lymph nodes from groin to neck are stable and not growing.  That's what I was expecting.

Sunday, July 12, 2015


When it's time to get the follow-up CT scan every 6 months, one word pretty much sums up the feeling.  Scanxiety. 

A couple weeks before the date, it's just a small feeling, a gentle observation that the day is coming.  But as the week before draws nearer, the feeling builds and anxiety starts in.  It all focuses on just one tormenting question. 

"What if...." 

Wednesday, April 29, 2015

A Delicate Time

This update is long overdue. I've been mulling over what I could say that might be new and interesting.  And came to the conclusion that the past six months have been kind of a wordless grey area. 

One of the few watercolors
I've finished lately.  Part of a
series of sacred structures.
To be honest, it's been a long slow slog through unchartered waters.

Friday, January 16, 2015


The day after Christmas was my one-year anniversary of starting chemotherapy.  That seemed a pretty good day to post an update, which I was planning to do.  Except I woke up with the flu.  Again. 
A lot of resting going on
at my house these days.

November and December brought a barrage of colds and flus.  After doing so well this summer, even with the slow recovery, it was disappointing.  Moreso because I still wear the face mask everywhere!  Well, almost everywhere.  And it's the "almost" that got me into trouble.  Every time I didn't wear it, I was sick within two days.  So frustrating.  However, no storm lasts forever I kept telling myself so I was still hopeful. 

Then I hit a snag.